Posts tagged nutrition
Beyonce, Modeling Wellness and Self-Care Tips for Black Women (Eating Plant-based Fats)

We are all quick to talk to our friends about self-care ideas or taking a self-care day or using self-care to free yourself from past traumas. But, can plant-based eating be self-care?

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High-Protein Vegan Snacks: How to Get Complete Proteins from Plants

It’s absolutely possible to get all the essential amino acids you need from vegan and vegetarian proteins (i.e plant proteins). Last week, we talked about meatless protein alternatives and vegan protein snacks.

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Journal Articles for Your Black History Month Bulletin Board

With Black History Month right around the corner, we've pulled together some journal articles pertinent to Black folks’ wellness and resilience for you to hang on your bulletin board.

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What Are Processed Foods and UltraProcessed Foods?

Let’s answer questions like, “what is a processed food?”, “what are ultraprocessed foods?, and even “what is processing?” . Don’t forget to work your way through the refrigerator inventory to see some examples of ultraprocessed foods.

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Important References on Using Self-Care to Heal From Racism

See the resources Dr. Wuse referenced in the ‘Healing From Racism’ Ethel’s Club Workshop Series. These cover eating, sleeping and staying active to reduce anti-inflammatory burden and chronic disease risk.

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Important References on the Plant-Based Lifestyle, Nutrition and Health

See the resources we referenced in Share & Savor: A Plant-Based Experience

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