Starter Byte Challenge Day 14: Week 2 Review of Plant-Based Barriers Worksheet

How much have things changed for you in the past week? Do you feel like you understand plant based eating more? Time to revisit the barriers worksheet

-Starter Byte Challenge

Plant-Based Eating Barriers Worksheet

1) Fill out this 4-part self-assessment survey to see which type of barriers might be a challenge for your plant-based eating:

2) Take a screenshot of the scoring worksheet below.

ORIGINAL of LUNA_ Instagram Story Templates.png

3) Edit your screenshot to fill in your scores for the individual barriers and your total score.

4) Then, put your score in context. Mark whether your total barriers are small, moderate or huge. Use the scoring key below

Total Barrier Scores: 0-16=Small, 20-44=Moderate, 48-64= Huge

5) Don’t forget to text your worksheet to me (@DrWuse), so I can figure out the best way to help you convert to plant-based eating.

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