Starter Byte Challenge: Strategies to Change Your Eating

My Granny used to say *to get to where ur going, u have to know where u have been*. More insight on your goals and the path to them here:

-Starter Byte Challenge


You don’t have to be superhuman to change your eating habits. Life design trumps will power.

If you’re hoping to change your eating habits, and you’re not where you want to be today, there’s a reason for that. The reason is not that you’re pathetic, or weak-willed, or undeserving or lazy. If you’re motivated to make a change, and yet you haven’t…here’s the reason: Your life design. 

Your life is set up in a way that keeps you exactly where you are, with eating habits you wish you could shake. It’s not just you, it’s a species thing.

We’re not as evolved as we’d like to imagine. Behavioral Psychology research shows that human behavior, like that of dogs and mice, is heavily influenced by our environments. Our lives are a maze of factors that influence our choices. Remember that time you ate a dozen doughnuts in one sitting? (Don’t be coy, we’ve all been there)… You blamed your poor will power. But, that was less of a will power problem and more of a maze design error. 

We’re not engineered to withstand the temptation of all that sweet fluffiness. Put 12 doughnuts in anyone’s face, and quite a few will be eaten. *Periodt*. 

Switch out *doughnuts* for whatever your guilty pleasure is, and this starts to sound a little more familiar, no? 

How on earth did you get here? More importantly how do you leave and NEVER come back? Re-design your maze to [mostly] avoid temptation. Figure out how you ended up with access to a dozen doughnuts. Then make it VERY difficult for that to happen again. 

Follow these 3 steps to change your eating by re-designing your maze.

1) See The Maze

What Influences Our Choices?

  • Barriers and Predisposing Factors

2) Name Your Walls and Paths

What Do Behavior Change Barriers Look Like?

  • TIME




3) Redesign Your Own Maze

What does shifting barriers look like?

  • To shift barriers, context is key

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