About Araba Esoun

About Araba

Greetings Araba Esoun here. Born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee.I've been growing and glowing up in Memphis for the last 6 years. My transition to Memphis was to pursue a Masters at the University of Memphis.

Over the past 10 years I have experienced a unique health and wellness journey that has positioned me to be confident, passionate and a health enthusiast in understanding and educating individuals and family units about the basics and fundamentals of health and healing, specifically through self-awareness and plant based food.

My most successful health accomplishment to date was my ability to transition from the Standard American Diet to a plant based lifestyle. Through this journey I have maintained a 90 pound weight loss, and as a result have created a program called S.A.D to S.O.L. S.A.D to S.OL. stands for the Standard American Diet to Save-oring (and Sharing) Our Lives.

S.A.D to S.O.L is focused on creating sacred spaces to share, savor and revolutionize the way that the individual and collective thinks about healing by way of health and nutrition. 

This plant based e-cook book video experience is my first collaborative project that has some of my favorite go to affordable, convenient and nutritious plant based creations. I trust that you will enjoy this digital creation, and will look forward to witnessing your journey to a healthier and wholesome you! 

Click to watch Araba talk about the services SAD to SOL offers

Watch Chef Araba’s Other Cooking Classes

Watch the Conversation Between Chef/Educator Araba and Dr. Wuse