Conversation: Part 6: Food Deserts and Farmers' Markets


Part 6: Food Deserts and Farmers' Markets

Description: Chef/Educator Araba Esoun and Dr. Wuse share how to find whole foods in a food desert and how to make the most of a farmers' market trip.

Key Points from the Video:

Here's where we elaborate on some of the ideas we shared. We'll also tell you where to find some references so you can do your own research and learn more. Your homework? For each key point reflect on your own reaction. Is this new information? How do your experiences compare to ours?

*For more information on a topic, check the listed section of our References (page 51-53)

1)”There’s power in growing your own food.”

2) “Get familiar with your local farmers market in your city; do a google search or hashtag search to stay informed.”

3) “When shopping locally, do a walk through first to see what each farmer is offering.”

4)“Be open-minded when shopping locally.”

5)“Create community with your local farmers; asking specific questions about the produce and growing seasons.’

See More of What Chef Araba and Dr. Wuse Shared

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