Conversation: Part 5: The Role of Intuition in Your Plant-based Journey


Part 5: The Role of Intuition in Your Plant-based Journey

Description: Chef/Educator Araba Esoun and Dr. Wuse share how to pay attention to your body's response to your food.

Key Points from the Video:

Here's where we elaborate on some of the ideas we shared. We'll also tell you where to find some references so you can do your own research and learn more. Your homework? For each key point reflect on your own reaction. Is this new information? How do your experiences compare to ours?

*For more information on a topic, check the listed section of our References (page 51-53)

1) Don’t focus on cutting out foods, instead focus on incorporating more plant based foods into your daily meals.”

2) “Familiarize yourself with 3 to 5 vegetables to get accustomed to preparing, cooking and creating dishes with.”

3)“Just because you decided to go vegan today, doesn't mean you’ll be vegan next week. Pace yourself.”

4)“Smaller cuts and intentional cooking technique, make for a perfect and delicious dish.”

See More of What Chef Araba and Dr. Wuse Shared

Watch Chef Araba’s Cooking Classes