Making the Smooth Tropics Blend

Cooking Class

Making the Smooth Tropics Blend


  • 1 cup of spinach (or your choice of leafy greens)

  • 1 cup of 100% apple or pineapple juice (all natural no added sugars)

  • 2 cups of frozen fruit (mangoes or mixed tropical fruit)

  • Chia seeds, to garnish


Add 1⁄2 cup of spinach and 1 cup of apple juice to a blender, blend for 1 min. Add 1 cup of frozen fruit, blend for 30 seconds, add the rest of fruit to the blender, blend for another full minute or until creamy. Serve chilled, add love and enjoy! 

Araba's Secret: Cut sugar by replacing natural juice with a nut based milk, dilute juice with water or use water only.

Scroll down to complete the worksheet and see what you’ve learned!

Smoothie Worksheet


Learn which foods can replace sugar and syrups sweeten your smoothie in a more nutritious way. Learn which foods can replace sugar and syrups sweeten your smoothie in a more nutritious way.

What I Learned

There are at least 7 game-changers in Chef Araba's Smoothie video. Jot down the answers as she discusses the questions below:

*For more information on a topic, check the listed section of our References (page 51-53)

1) Which is more expensive- buying a smoothie or making it at home?

2) What's Chef Araba's formula for making a mouth-watering smoothies?

3) How do I choose the most nutritious juice? *check Sugars section on References page (51-53)

4) How can a smoothie meet my low-sugar goals? *check Sugars section on References page (51-53)

5) How can I add protein to smoothies without ruining the flavor? 

6) How can I sneak greens into the daily diet (for yourself or your partner/kids)?

7) What ingredients can I add to turn my smoothie into a meal replacement?

Try a Bonus Recipe

Watch Chef Araba’s Other Cooking Classes

Watch the Conversation Between Chef/Educator Araba and Dr. Wuse