Welcome: Start Here

Welcome to Share & Savor: A Plant-Based Cooking Class from S.A.D to S.O.L x Byte Wellness

Araba Esoun is a plant-based Chef/Educator. She went plant-based and experienced a radical wellness transformation. Now, she uses her platform (S.A.D. to S.O.L, from the Standard American Diet to Savoring Our Lives) to share her plant-based blueprint with people like you.

Araba teamed up with Byte Wellness to bring you into the world of SAD to SOL with Share & Savor: A Plant-Based Experience. Together, we explore Araba's journey from start to finish and cover the science behind the food-and-health connection so you can confidently make nutritious choices that build you up.

First things first! Download your Guidebook for Week 1:

Share & Savor Week 1.png

Welcome to Week 1!

Click this link to watch the Week 1 Welcome video with Dr. Wuse and Chef Araba

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Welcome to Week 2!

Click this link to watch the Week 2 video with Dr. Wuse and Chef Araba

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Welcome to Week 3!

Click this link to watch the Week 3 video with Dr. Wuse and Chef Araba

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Welcome to Week 4!

Click this link to watch the Week 4 video with Dr. Wuse and Chef Araba

Week 1

Click to Download Guidebook for this Week (you can download it as many times as you need to)

Week 1 Intro Video: (click below to watch the recording)

Week 1 Lessons

Grocery List



  • All About Fat

Mindset Conversations:


Email: drwuse@bytewellness.com

Text: 1(866)717-1919

Week 2

Click to Download Guidebook for this Week (you can download it as many times as you need to)

Week 2 Intro Video: (click below to watch the recording)


Grocery List



  • All About Quinoa

Mindset Conversations:


Email: drwuse@bytewellness.com

Text: 1(866)717-1919

Week 3

Click to Download Guidebook for this Week (you can download it as many times as you need to)

Share & Savor: Week 3 Intro


Grocery List



  • All About Sugar

Mindset Conversations:


Email: drwuse@bytewellness.com

Text: 1(866)717-1919

Week 4

Click to Download Guidebook for this Week (you can download it as many times as you need to)

Week 4 Intro Video: (click below to watch the recording)


Grocery List



  • All About Building

Mindset Conversations:


Email: drwuse@bytewellness.com

Text: 1(866)717-1919

Are You A Go-Getter? Download the Full Guidebook (64 pages with all 4 weeks’ lessons and recipes)

Here’s how an ambitious 1-month schedule breaks down:


Each Week:

  • Watch 1 cooking class video from Chef Araba and complete the paired worksheet to cement your new cooking insights.

  • Try preparing 2 new recipes from the Guidebook (one recipe from the video and another bonus recipe).

  • Study the nutrition lesson from Dr. Wuse (paired with the 2 recipes above)

  • Watch 1-2 videos sharing the comprehensive conversation that Chef Araba and Dr. Wuse have about what plant-based living means to us.

  • Make time to reflect on your learning and your own journey.

  • Hold space for conversations with your loved ones about anything and everything related to plants and living.

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There are 4 main sections in the Guidebook. Each of the 4 cover pages listed below shows up as a yellow page in the Guidebook. You’ll be fine if you just follow the yellow brick road.

1) Preparation:

What's that saying? Luck is where opportunity meets preparation? When it comes to wellness, we'd rather not leave anything to chance. We recommend that before you move through the rest of the experience, you briefly skim the pages in this section to be sure you have the materials you'll need to start cooking.


2) Savoring Plant-Based Meals

Bet you've heard people say "watch one, do one, teach one". That philosophy is SO RELEVANT to learning new cooking skills. We recommend you choose a cooking demonstration to watch. There are 4 of Chef Araba's demos listed below as "Recipe ...Paired with Video".

Watch Chef Araba’s Cooking Demonstrations- 4 Demos


Savoring For Beginners: Ease into it

If you're not super comfortable cooking with plants, it may be helpful to watch the class once, all the way through before you start preparing your meal. That's your "see one". After you've watched a class and cooked your meal (your "do one"), turn to the Worksheet for that section and test out what you learned. (Might want to watch the demo with the worksheet handy). Then, feel free to re-make this dish with loved ones (your "teach one").

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Savoring Your Meal and Your New Knowledge

Finally, mastering plant-based eating means not only learning how to prepare food, but it also means building well-balanced meals. You'll need to know some  nutrition basics for that. After your meal, turn to the nutrition tips (titles start with "All About") to learn more about how the food you just made fits into a well-balanced plant-based diet.

3) Sharing Perspectives

This 7-part video series is the "Sharing" part of this whole experience. For a total of more than an hour, We talked about the healing powers of food; we talked about what it takes to develop the will to break multi-generational disease patterns, creating a new family legacy that centers holistic wellness; we talked about how essential it is to be able to visualize the possibility of a more well version of ourselves and follow through on healthy habits to actualize that improved version.

See What Chef Araba and Dr. Wuse Shared- 7 parts

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Watch a Conversation Video. Then fill in the related Worksheet

You drive this part of the exercise entirely! We’ve given you plenty of space to reflect on what you heard Chef/Educator Araba and Dr. Wuse discussing. Reflect on it alone, and with your loved ones. You’ll be surprised what insights come from sharing.

4) Practice


Reflect on your experience and share with loved ones.

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