Plant-Based Challenge Day 1: Your Wellness Formula


If you’re looking to figure out how to build your own wellness formula, you’re in the right place. But, unlike the “wellness formula” you’ll find at Walmart, Whole Foods or GNC, we’re not talking about a magic pill. For the next 10 weeks (!!) we’ll talk about sustainable behavior changes. As we examine the habits and environment that help you transform into your best possible self, you should know that the first ingredient in your wellness formula is support!

We’ll get to that in a second. First:


Welcome to your first day of the Starter Challenge ;) I’m soooo excited to do this with you. First step to getting as much as possible out of this challenge is to make sure you understand all the ways I can support you- and the one big way I can’t. I love my patients, but the info you see on Byte Wellness is not personal medical advice or treatment.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve spent a lot of time making sure you get the most evidence-based knowledge from me. The eating tips you’ll get from me via text message and on this Byte Wellness website are considered general best practices. They come from trusted organizations like the American Heart Association, from scientific studies and also from my own clinical experiences with my patients. But, reading this site and getting my text messages doesn’t make me your doctor. So, I can’t tell you what decisions are best for your specific health profile.

Your doctor and the rest of your healthcare team are the ones who know your health best. Talk to them before using these tips to make major changes to your eating.

Speaking of your doctor…a lot of people aren’t sure who is in their health provider team. Take a second to refresh your memory with the quick exercise below.

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The form below is just for you and your records. Take a screenshot of the form or print it, and fill it in.

My Health Provider Team


(My go-to doctor, usually the first one I call when I have any type of health problem or question or need a medication refill. They’re the ones who refer me to a specialist if I need one.)

My Primary Care Doctor’s name is: _______________

Office Location:__________________________________

Office Phone Number: ___________________________


(Not everyone needs one. They help with my complicated conditions like diabetes or my surgeries. They can be doctors or dietitian/nutritionists or physical therapists)

Type of Specialist: ________________________________

My Specialist’s Name: ____________________________

Office Location:__________________________________

Office Phone Number: ___________________________

My Support Squad

Trained healthcare providers aren’t the only people who can support your glow up. What about your friends? Sometimes friends can be helpful with a specific issue (like helping you stay on track with weight loss). Try to think about which one of your wellness goals each loved one can help you with.

Friend/Family #1 : ________________________________

Type of Goal: ___________________________________

Friend/Family #2 : _______________________________

Type of Goal: ___________________________________

Friend/Family #3 : _______________________________

Type of Goal: ___________________________________

Got it? Good 😇

Talk to you tomorrow. Meanwhile, feel free to get a head start on your challenge by scrolling below for more private Byte Community posts.

PS Happy, Healthy Eating

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