What Are You Thankful For?
Hi Byte Wellness Fam!
How are you?
Did you celebrate Thanksgiving? Despite the holiday's colonialist origins, I know a lot of still celebrate - having reappropriated the day into an opportunity to reconnect with loved ones.
Were you with family and friends? However you spent the week, I hope you felt peace and joy. As for me, I’m moving into this Holiday season with gratitude. In addition to my family, I’m so grateful for YOU. In fact this week’s #PhyteWellWednesday workshop might as well have been one of those gratitude journal prompts.
If you missed it, you can watch the recording below. Find more recordings inside our private PhyteWell community here. If you want an invite to next week’s workshop, (or you want to invite someone to join) text LOVE to 1(224)302-6224.
It’s not just your membership in the Byte Wellness community that I appreciate- it’s what being part of the community means for your investment in yourself and your own community.
You know what I’m talking about. There was a time when you weren’t as aware of how food and movement and relaxation affect you. It felt like you weren’t making choices about what to eat and when to rest and how to move- the choice was being made for you.
It didn’t feel good to be so out of control of your habits.
And you didn’t feel good:
You were still tired and stressed and achy.
You couldn’t muster the energy to show up for your loved ones and your work the way you wanted to.
You got diagnosed with a preventable chronic disease like high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.
And so much public messaging about health disparities tells us that as a Black person in the U.S., as a woman, this was our destiny. We are going to be unwell and unhealthy in the end.
But you rejected those notions. You know who you are and where you come from. And, even if you didn’t understand the science behind wellness resilience, you knew that you come from a people whose legacy is anything but breaking down and giving in.
You wanted more for yourself. You knew you were worthy of it. So, you put in the work. You read newsletters and text lessons and asked questions in our workshops. You found other wellness resources (books, providers, podcasts).
![MLK, Health Justice, and the LA Fires (Happy MLK Day) [Self-Love Letter]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c7316af11f7846b135b9fe7/1737426504384-QZZY5CZUERDA7EGFPRIG/unsplash-image-39rGV19A6A0.jpg)
Now, you understand the power your everyday habits have to make you feel better in the short-term and make you less likely to get sick in the long-term. And you’re learning how to harness that power.
But, here’s the kicker…this is what takes my gratitude over the top: now that you know better, you are teaching what you’ve learned to others who need it. You’re paying it forward.
Someone you love will have a better quality of life- because of you!
Someone you love will be able to avoid a preventable chronic disease and its painful complications and healthcare bills- because of you!
Someone you love will be able to show up for the people they love- because of you!
So, thank you, thank you…Thank You.
Don’t forget to think through the discussion question below:
Discussion Question
Is there a tradition or trigger (person, place, or event) that makes you reach for whole fruits or veg?
Let’s figure out which circumstances automatically push us to eat whole sugars like fruit and veggies. If we double down on those triggers, we can increase our whole food sugars (pushing out added sugars) without having to work so hard at it.

Make it stand out
PS speaking of reclaiming our power by taking care of ourselves, if you’re in the Bay Area of California in December, make sure to check out the Self-Care & Sip Holiday Market!
12/4/2022, you’ll find wellness providers and products to build wellness resilience.
Please keep pushing.
Happy Healthy Living,
Dr. Wuse