#PWW Recording: Intermittent Fasting on MyTERMS [Video]
#Phytewellwednesday workshop: Intermittent Fasting on MyTERMS
How Much Water Should I Drink, According to studies per the National Academies and USDA? nap.nationalacademies.org/read/10925/chapter/6
BJ Fogg Model for Behavior Change. Behavior = Motivation, Ability and Prompt
Intermittent Fasting Improves Metabolic Health- Journal of Nutrients
Fasting Burns Fat via Hormone-sensitive Lipase-
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#PWW Recording: UltraProcessed Foods Review-pt 2 [Video]
Healing Library Video, FeaturedDr. WuseHabits, hacks, MyTERMS, Water, Sparkling Water, Intermittent fast, IF, Intermittent Fasting, fasting, visceral fat, hormone-sensitive lipase, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, weight loss, overweightComment