#PWW Recording: Managing Caregiver Burden, Arthritis Exercises & Check-in 2 [Video]
#Phytewellwednesday workshop: Managing Caregiver Burden & Wellness Check-in 2
1) Assessing Caregiver Burden: wai.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1129/2021/11/Zarit-Caregiver-Burden-Assessment-Instruments.pdf
2) Eccentric Exercises Build Muscle Mass: www.healthline.com/health/fitness/eccentric-training#what-it-is
3) Find Department of Aging Home Health Aide Forms:
California: www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CHCQ/LCP/Pages/HHA.aspx
For other states: Google “department of aging home health aide”
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Healing Library Video, FeaturedDr. Wusecaregiver burden, Zarit caregiver inventory, home health aide, arthritis, eccentric exercises, muscle, department of agingComment