Panera’s Green Passion Smoothie, Healthy Food Near Me [Video] PLUS Wellness Gems from Tarana Burke
Byte Wellness Fam!
Fall is officially here. Can you believe it? Fall always feels like a new beginning. It’s a little exciting, actually. Fall’s the time when you get a new wardrobe, start a new school or job where you meet new people…and you try new foods with new fall flavors! (Obviously, it’s the new food for me 🙌🏾.)
Speaking of new food (and drinks): In our Daily Wellness Text Thread this week, we explored green smoothie brands looking at sugar quality. Let me tell you, it was not the easiest exercise. But, what we learned is that low-quality sugar (free and added sugars) are hiding in tons of so-called healthy green drinks. If you’re not on our Daily Wellness Text thread, jump in!
Send TEXT to 1(224)-302-6224 to get started or click here for your free trial.
Scroll all the way down to test yourself in the Green Smoothie Quiz. Meanwhile, click below to see the recording from our last Healing Circle convo. It’s about an hour long and sooooo worth the watch. During that hour, we analyzed the nutritional quality of one of our members’ favorite grab-and-go lunches: The Walnut Apple Salad from Potbelly. What we learned will blow your mind!
Watch last week's #ByteWellnessWednesday workshop
Healthy Restaurant Food Near Me
I’ll keep it short this week to give you extra time to watch the workshop ;) Just a couple things:
1) Take the Green Smoothie Quiz for yourself below. Comment below with your best guess to get the answer (we sent it to our Daily Wellness Text members a couple days ago) :
2) Some words for thought from Queen Auntie Tarana Burke on what she has learned about the power of healing communities. Who is in your healing community? How do they support you? How do you support them?
Having you in our Byte Wellness healing community fills my spirit so much! Thank you for all that you’re doing for yourself and your community.
Happy Healthy Living,
Dr. Wuse