Don't Worry, Eat Happy!

Byte Wellness Fam!

This week’s #PhyteWellWednesday Workshop discussion on eating was all about balance- mainly. Click through to see the recording.

Balance is the name of the game when it comes to wellness. Too much of a good thing can be harmful. But, too little of a good thing isn’t great, either.

How Does Food Boost Wellness Resilience?

Eating a balanced diet that includes lots of veggies has all sorts of positive health effects. Getting enough fruit and veggies everyday can boost our systems of wellness resilience and lower our risk of:

  • Obesity

  • Heart Attack

  • Stroke

  • GI Cancers and other obesity-related cancers

  • Type 2 diabetes

But, we all know what it feels like to eat food that doesn’t make our taste buds dance…not great!

Most of us can’t realistically stick to an eating plan if most of the food in that plan isn’t tasty (by our own standards). Our task in eating to boost wellness resilience, is to find a balanced diet that is sustainable (in terms of health and enjoyment).

An eating style that works for our health and happiness in the long term includes plenty of fruit, veggies, whole grains AND lots of flavor. Stay tuned this month as we explore how to satisfy both of those needs.

If you can't wait that long, here's a post on making delicious (and nutritious) smoothies without added sugar!

There are 3 big myths about food that discourage us from approaching eating from a balanced perspective. They need to be abolished!

So, over the next few weeks, we’ll debunk those myths and explore what more balanced and liberated eating looks like for us.

Also, don’t forget to answer the discussion question for this week! It’s a good initial test of how much balance we’ve injected into our everyday eating.

Discussion Questions

  • What's the last meal you had without meat. How did you feel about it? How did it make you feel?

Happy, Healthy Living,

Dr. Wuse