Boosting Wellness Assets

Hi Byte Wellness Fam!

Hope you’re out here thriving this Autumn. I’m not gon’ hold you. The magic this week is in the #PhyteWellWednesday workshop recording.

**See recording below, and join the community here to get an invite to next week’s workshop**

Our #PhyteWellWednesday workshop got deep. We learned how to boost our wellness assets, which brought some major revelations about how we think about our capabilities.

For example, when you face a challenge:

  • do you get caught up on the barriers (the things that make it feel impossible to overcome the challenge)?

  • or do you look for assets (ways to overcome the challenge)?

    Don’t forget to check out the discussion questions below.

Discussion Questions

  • Question: Can you name 3 things that make it easier for you to practice healthy habits & reach your wellness goal.

  • How are you taking advantage of them?

This is a good time to take a break from our conversation about barriers and reflect on the resources DO have. This is a good time to practice gratitude for all the wellness-promoting skills or resources or natural orientations that we already posses. It’s also a good time to be real with ourselves. Are we using those assets? Or are we ignoring the gems we have and choosing to feel hamstrung by what we’re missing?

Happy Healthy Living,

Dr. Wuse