Byte Wellness

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Montgomery as a Wellness Mood [Self-Love Letter]

Hi Byte Wellness Fam,

How are you feeling?

I feel ready.

Just like our Uncle at Montgomery’s Riverfront Park and the colleagues who came to his aid, I’m ready to throw off my hat and defend myself and my community against whatever comes!

That’s the theme of the first part of our Wellness Reset Challenge- defense.

For the next few months, we’ll discuss what it takes to defend our bodies and minds against the wellness risks we encounter in everyday life (including social threats like racism).

We’ll talk about how to protect ourselves against the root cause of most of the chronic conditions and ailments we talk about in this forum: chronic inflammation. And how exactly do we do that? The short answer is: we boost our wellness resources in order to RESET.

Discussion Question

  • What does wellness mean to you? Is wellness a destination or a journey?

The RESET in Wellness RESET is really more of a RESSSET. The acronym stands for supercharging RESILIENCE through EATING, SLEEPING, STRESS-MANAGEMENT, limiting SUBSTANCES, and EXERCISING TOGETHER. Together we’ll discover the right balance of each of those 5 big habits in order to maintain balance in our bodies and minds.

We’ll use science to talk about WHAT to do to be well and WHY. Then, we’ll also break down HOW to do it. The HOW is the part that usually gets missed when we try quick health fixes like yoyo diets or short-lived exercise fads. We tend to make habit changes in non-sustainable ways. So often, the changes we think we have to make are too massive for us to achieve or too unnatural for us to maintain.

Getting the HOW of habit change just right involves taking the tiniest of easy steps, fairly slowly over and over again until you look up one day to find that you’ve scaled a mountain. That’s how we build lasting lifestyles that boost our wellbeing while we’re on autopilot.

Figuring out HOW to optimize our 4 big lifestyle habits so they can become our wellness superpowers starts with examining our motivation. Why do we want to make a change in the first place? Why do we want to boost our wellbeing? What do we really get our of it? If we can answer this question honestly and vulnerably, we will find the engine that will power us through the each of those tiny steps up the mountain.

Make sure to check out the recording from our Wellness Reset Intro and answer the discussion question above. If you or your friends/family want to join the challenge, it’s not too late to catch up. Just send TEXT to 1(866)717-1919.

Talk soon!

Happy Healthy Living,

Dr. Wuse