Daily Dancing

Hi Byte Wellness Fam!

How are you feeling?

I’m feeling energized- probably because of all this dancing we’ve been doing together : )

We just finished the second week of the 28-Day DANCE Challenge. So, that means we had our second Virtual Dance Party during this past week’s #PhyteWellWednesday workshop. You all showed up and showed OUT this week!

In case you missed it, you can check the recording here.

If you want to join the challenge and get your own invite to the party? Text DANCE to 1(224)302-6224.

Look, our goal this month is to set the groundwork for a daily movement habit that’ll power us through the rest of year.

And, how do we build a habit?

We set a goal. Then we re-assess whether we’ve met the goal. Then we check how far we are from reaching the goal and what’s standing in our way. And then we make adjustments.

You can use this same process to build a daily dancing habit or eat more veggies, or reach any wellness goal you’re working toward. Keep reading below to give it a try.

Trouble-shooting Daily Dancing

I’ll ask you the question that I’ve been asking the text message thread every day of this challenge:

“Have you danced for 1 minute today?”

Have you?

Have you danced every day of the last week?

If your answer is “No” to either of those questions, maybe you could use some troubleshooting help.

Let’s see if we can figure out what things are keeping you from dancing daily? (These are your barriers)

We’ll use the STEM method to figure out which barriers might make it hard for us to dance everyday. Can you pinpoint barriers in one or two of the categories below?

  • STUFF- Do you think you have enough stuff/equipment you need to dance? Feel like you don’t have enough room in the house? Feel like you need some hand weights or some dance clothes in order to dance?

  • TIME- Trouble finding time to dance for 1 minute everyday?

  • ENJOYMENT- Do you not like dancing? Do you have arthritis or an injury that causes pain when you dance?

  • MASTERY- Do you feel like you don’t know how to dance well enough? Are you not confident in your dance moves?

Discussion Question

Discussion Question:

  • What is the one song (or album) that makes you stop what you are doing and move whenever you hear it?

Dive into that experience. What memories are tied to that song? Are these some of your happiest times? Saddest? Most grateful? What is that feeling deep down inside that is triggered by your song? Why does it make you want to move?

Happy Healthy Living,

Dr. Wuse