The 2023 28-Day DANCE Challenge


Healthy living is a journey. It happens one step at a time... in this case one move at a time. In our 2023 28-Day DANCE Challenge, we’ll build daily exercise habits using proven techniques from the science of behavior change and baby steps.

If you’re not taking the MOVE challenge, but you want to, you can join by texting DANCE to 1(866)717-1919. Meanwhile, if you missed the #PhyteWellWednesday Workshop for Week 1 of the challenge, you can catch up by watching the recording inside our private community here.

Win 2023 with Just 1 minute of dancing everyday…

All you have to do to win this challenge is find time every day from January 2nd-January 29th for at least 1 minute of dancing that gets your heart rate up and makes you breathe more heavily.

You can choose any type of dance you want…drop it low like Meg, hit the Chicago juke, footwork, take it back to the running man, or get your ballet on…just make sure you keep moving for a full minute!

Why Dance?

Our bodies were built to move. It's obvious when you look at all the positive events that movement triggers in our bodies. Moving releases muscle hormones (myokines) that trigger our bodies’ natural healing mechanisms. 

According to recent scientific research, movement-related myokines:

- lower blood pressure and heal blood vessels to lower our chances of having a heart attack or a stroke

- improve our insulin sensitivity to keep blood sugar under control and lower our risks of developing type 2 diabetes

- increase our metabolism and burn fat to help us maintain our body's version of a healthy weight. 

As if you needed any more proof that our bodies were built to *move it move it*, just consider that out that our brain-body connection is set up to get us hooked on movement.

Movement releases beta-endorphins that activate the opioid receptors in our brain to make us crave more movement. (Yes, the runner's high is a real thing).

Why only 1 minute?

Exercising for only 1 minute per day strips down the challenge of the exercise itself, allowing you to iron out the logistics of protecting space for daily movement. Once you’re comfortable with moving for 1 minute everyday, moving for 30 minutes is easy.

Scientific studies continue to reveal to life-saving benefits of regular exercise. Research shows that even short frequent bursts of activity (“exercise snacks”) can have a powerful health effect (helping to control blood sugar and promote weight loss).

Our focus this month is building a strong foundation to carry you through the rest of the year.

If you’ve ever failed to reach your exercise goals, you know that building new habits around physical activity isn’t the easiest thing.

So simplify the activity and focus on the process: Just find a way to dance for 1 minute every day :)

How to Join:

  • Sign up with the form above


  • Text DANCE to 1(866)717-1919 to join the challenge with daily check-ins to keep you accountable

  • Document your 1-minute movements on social media with the tag #28-DayDanceChallenge and follow @bytewellness on instagram and facebook for more inspo.