Byte Wellness

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The Healing Power of Creativity & Choosing Healthy Grab and Go Snacks

Debbie Allen brought us another bit of wisdom recently, and we talked about it in this week’s Daily Wellness Text Chat and in our weekly Healing Circle . Send TEXT to 1(224)302-6224 to join the text thread (free this month).

Debbie Allen with sister, Phylicia Rashad

Out in the ether of the internet, award-winning performer and choreographer, Debbie Allen, is cited for the following lesson: “out of limitations, comes creativity”.

I don’t know about you, but that’s the story of my wellness journey. You can’t reach your wellness goals without identifying your limitations (which we can also call challenges) and overcoming them.

And, for people in the US who are Black and identify as women… there are plenty of limitations.

Many of these limitations are largely out of our control. (Check out our other articles to read about racial disparities in physical access to healthcare and racial/gender-based bias in the quality of healthcare delivery, and more).

Some limitations exist at your individual level: you don’t have time after work to exercise, your kids (or partner) refuse to embrace your new veggie-heavy diet, you have an unflappable craving for chocolate chip cookies…

The key for each of these limitations is to 1) recognize them 2) accept their reality (and the fact that they won’t change tomorrow) and 3) find creative ways to WORK AROUND the limitations.

Don’t bust your head knocking it against a brick wall. Walk down the road and find an open door or a cracked window, or get a step ladder and scale the wall. But, Sis, we’ve collectively come too far to waste your energy and risk your life trying to do what is [presently] impossible.

Discussion questions:

1) What is 1 limitation or challenge that makes it hard for you to reach your wellness goals?

2) How can you overcome it?

Now, which snacks do you choose? You have 2 answers to choose. Either A or B and either D or E.

Can you think out loud why you chose these options?

Our Daily Wellness Text members gave a range of answers. In fact, the packaging on the Thrive snacks tricked a few of them into thinking that its packaged snack was more of a “whole food” than raw nuts. When you see packaged food that makes health claims like this Thrive snack mix (which lists “paleo”), here’s where it is so important to PAUSE in the store. Turn the package over to read the nutrition facts AND the ingredients to see how many processed ingredients were added to this packaged item, which might otherwise might have been considered a less-processed or whole food. Read the pic below for an explanation of the answers.

If you didn’t get this convo delivered to your phone, make sure you’re on our Daily Wellness Text thread. Send TEXT to 1(224)302-6224.

PS We’ve experienced and recalled a lot of tragedy recently. There’s the damage and displacement caused by Tropical Storms Grace, Henri, and Ida (which hit Black and lower-income communities hardest). And today, we remember the pain felt on and about September 11th 2001. If you’re having trouble reconciling all this hurt, please don’t hesitate to seek professional therapy. Here are some places to find the right therapist for you:




Talk next week. Happy, Healthy Living,

Dr. Wuse