Byte Wellness

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In Boogie Wonderland...

Happy New Year Fam!!!!!

We made it! Whew. 2022 was a trip.

How are you feeling as we enter 2023?

I’m encouraged. I’ve been talking to you all on the phone for the last few days for our goal-setting call, and your commitment has been so inspiring. Here’s why:

  • You all are out in your communities learning how to be well.

  • And, you’re yourselves with the tools to teach your loved ones how to be well.

Your practice of self-care in community makes me feel better about where this world is headed.

If you’ve been meaning to sign up for your 1-on-1 goal-setting call with me, it’s not too late! Choose your call time here.

Speaking of self-care in community, that’s our vibe all January. We started a 28-day DANCE challenge this week, and you do NOT WANT TO MISS THIS! Text DANCE to 1(224)302-6224 to join the challenge live and get invites to our weekly Wednesday dance parties.

In case you missed it, here’s a recording of our last #PhyteWellWednesday Workshop. We learned about the life-extending power of myokines- hormones that are released from our muscles when we dance and do other movements. Also, of course, on our virtual call we danced together.

Here’s some background on the 28-Day DANCE challenge below.

Win 2023 with just 1 minute of dancing everyday…

All you have to do to win this challenge is find time every day from January 2nd-January 29th for at least 1 minute of dancing that gets your heart rate up and makes you breathe more heavily.

You can choose any type of dance you want…drop it low like Meg, hit the Chicago juke, footwork, take it back to the running man, or get your ballet on…just make sure you keep moving for a full minute!

Why Dance for Only 1 Minute?

Our bodies were built to move. That’s obvious when you look at all the positive events that movement triggers in our bodies and brains. Moving releases muscle hormones (myokines) that trigger our bodies’ natural healing mechanisms.

Don’t forget to answer the discussion questions below.

Discussion Question

  • What lessons about wellness did the Holidays reinforce for you?

    Think about nutrition principles like mindful eating or balancing your plate. Did those strategies come up during Holiday festivities? What about exercise hacks like making time for short “exercise snacks”? Did the holidays help or hurt? How about sleep and stress management? Any takeaways on how to deal with the Holiday stress…things you would repeat or wouldn’t repeat?

Happy Healthy Living Folks,

Dr. Wuse