Byte Wellness

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The Weightloss Secret No One is Talking About

Hi Byte Wellness Fam

How are you feeling?

Not sure what feeling goes with this, but “Recovery” comes to mind for me. That’s because I’m personally moving into a period of life where I’m learning to prioritize rest and recovery.

But, recovery also comes up in our #PhyteWellnessWednesday conversation about weight this week. Like most folks in our society, it’s clear that our community has confronted all sorts of harmful messages about weight, shape, and beauty ideals.

These are messages that can lead to unproductive relationships with food and movement. But, based on our conversation, it’s also clear that we’re not just accepting the bias and stigma around what and who can have a “healthy weight”. Instead, we’re beginning to recover from those notions.

The fact that we’re learning is such a good thing! It means we’re ready to make some real change in our lives.

To paraphrase the great Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better”.

Keep reading and check out the video to see if you can relate.

Discussion Question

Discussion Question:

  • When you hear the words “healthy weight”, what comes to mind?

The Secret to Maintaining A Healthy Weight

This season, we’re diving into the healthy weight management. That means we’ll break down your questions about how to get to a healthy weight- one that minimizes the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes and other chronic diseases. In order to get there, first, we have to understand what a healthy weight looks like for us and why.

That was the focus of our conversation this past week in the #PhyteWellWednesday workshop. Check out the recording below. And, if you want to join the workshop next week, text TEXT to 1(224)302-6224 to join the text thread and get invited to the workshop every Wednesday.

Okay, here’s what so many folks in our community have been asking for months: what is the secret to maintaining a healthy weight?

Short answer: Getting to a healthy weight isn’t really about weight!

Longer answer:

1) First, our healthy weight, isn’t really about weight as much as it is about body composition (which is what reinforces metabolic health).

The components of body composition that affect our risk of chronic disease are muscle percentage and fat. percentage. So, we need to find the right balance of muscle and fat to make our bodies work at their best.

2) Second, remember that everyone’s body is programmed for a different healthy weight and shape. This has a lot to do with our genes and our environment.

Your healthy weight and shape aren’t necessarily the same as my healthy weight and shape.

3) Third, getting to our version of a healthy body composition is a reflection of our metabolic health, which is a product of our overall wellness. So, getting to and maintaining a healthy weight takes some combination of the wellness superpowers we keep talking about.

Remember those superpowers?

  • nutritious eating

  • frequent movement

  • restful sleep

  • effective stress-management

Building Your Roadmap to a Healthy Weight

We have a LOT of info to cover in order to help you build your own roadmap to a healthy weight.

We’ll do activities to get a better idea of what our true healthy weight looks like (which is not necessarily the number we get when we use an online BMI calculator).

Then, we’ll look at the ways that eating, movement, sleep and stress management can transform our metabolic health.

So, make sure to check out the video above, then stay tuned.

Can’t wait to take this journey with you!

Happy Healthy Living,

Dr. Wuse