Byte Wellness

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It's the 2023 For Me...

Hi Byte Wellness Fam!

Here’s a New Year Gift for you: Get some insight into the science behind your habits as we set New Year’s Resolutions and sign up for a 1-on-1 call for January 2023

How are you feeling?

I’m feeling tired. But, I’m also super excited about what 2023 has in store for us. In this coming year, I know that we’re all leveling up our well-being individually and collectively. That means you!

***If you’re looking for some more wellness inspo, log into our PhyteWell Community and check out the last year’s worth of #PhyteWell|Wednesday Workshops. (That’s 50+ hours of us teaching the science behind health and wellness, sharing our experiences, and uplifting each other’s spirits!) ***

While you’re in the community, make sure you sign up for the Daily Wellness Text thread to get daily wellness tips delivered to your phone every day.

Meanwhile, we’ve got a brief but interactive message today.

Check out the MyTERMS goal-setting worksheet (image and questions below) to see whether your 2023 Resolutions are setting you up to be your best self this year.

The MyTERMS Goal-Setting Framework

As you set your 2023 resolutions, ask yourself these questions to make sure you’re setting yourself up for a win.

  • Motivating: How easy is it for me to reach this goal?

  • Time-sensitive: What is my deadline for this goal?

  • Easy: Is my goal so easy that I can do it under challenging conditions?

  • Relevant: How closely is my goal related to my motivating factors?

  • Measurable: How will I know when I have achieved by goal?

  • Specific: What do I want to happen/How?

Discussion Question:


  • How much does access to fruits and veggies affect your choice to eat them? i.e If they r hard to find in your neighborhood, do you eat less?

Happy Healthy Living,

And Happppppy New Yeeeeeeear!

Dr. Wuse