Byte Wellness

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Wellness Worthiness [Self-Love Letter]

Hi Byte Wellness Fam!

How are you feeling?

I feel rich…not rich with money, but rich in spirit. This was an inspiring week. And it kicked off with our #PhyteWellWednesday workshop. You all have built such a beautiful community- one where the members support themselves and each other in one of the most important goals we can aim for…being well.

Thank you for showing up for yourselves and each other.

Text TEXT to 1(866)717-1919 to join the text thread and get invites to the weekly #PhyteWellWednesday Workshops (every Wednesday at 7pm CT/8pm ET).

Check out the recording below:

Discussion Question

  • In the last couple months, what’s your biggest wellness win (including new mindset, knowledge, habits, resources, etc)?

How to Balance Stress and Sleep for Better Health

This week, in the Workshop, we reviewed the last 7 weeks of the Wellness RESET challenge. Watch the video above and scroll through the list below to recap each week for yourself.

See this gallery in the original post

We say this all the time: We Are WORTHY of healing.

But, that’s only half the story. We aren’t simply worthy of healing- we were built to heal. Science shows us that we were built with the mechanisms that restore balance in our bodies and minds.

Believing in our ability to heal also means respecting its limits. Not everyone’s balance looks exactly the same. Sometimes we’ll need help from healthcare (providers, pills, etc) to restore balance.

Sometimes the reality of our genes, environmental exposures (like pollution), and habits make that balance nearly impossible to reach. Suddenly, health and wellness seem like unrealistic goals.

After all, we don’t have much control over our genes, and we don’t have much more control over our environment.

But, what we’re doing here in this community is learning how to make the most of the power we do have…the power to shift habits, one day at a time.

What’s your biggest win, or your biggest lesson from the first half of Wellness RESET? Let me know.

Happy Healthy Living,

Dr. Wuse