Byte Wellness

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Self-Care in the New Year

Hi Byte Wellness Fam!

How are you feeling?

I’m excited...

In honor of our collective self-determination, I’ve opened up my 1-on-1 call slots for January 2023. If you’ve got any interest in finding a less painful path to your wellness goals in the coming year, I hope you’ll sign up for a conversation with me: Call

It’s exciting finally be squarely inside the Winter Holiday season with all its joy and family time and good food. 

But, it’s also exciting to be on the precipice of the New Year, feeling all the promise it brings without all the pressure. 

Do you know what I’m talking about?

A few days before the New Year, before we’re officially responsible for reaching our wellness-related New Year Resolutions, we’re in the perfect position to pat ourselves on the back for setting said Resolutions without having to deal with the often-painful trial-and-error of living up to them.


If you missed the last #PhyteWellWednesday workshop where we talked about the role of habits vs. genes in our health and wellness, feel free to sign up here:

Or text LOVE to 1(224)302-6224 to get daily wellness text messages.


Look, wellness doesn’t have to be the excruciating process we think it as. Feeding our spirits and our bodies (literally and figuratively) is a GOOD thing. Doing good things for ourselves can and should feel GOOD…if we’re doing them right.

And that’s the kicker. So many of us aren’t quite doing wellness right. We never really learned how to transform our well-being, so we try to follow the one-size-fits-all model of wellness we see in the media. 

But that model isn’t built for us, and we find out pretty quickly that it doesn’t work.

That’s why we gather here every week (daily on the TEXT THREAD). We take what science has to say about what makes humans healthy and happy in general, then we feed it through our unique lens in order to define a type of wellness that works for each of us, as individuals, and for our communities. 

This is the radical self-care in the context of community that Audre Lorde wrote about. This is a pathway to our liberation.

Don’t forget to answer the discussion question from this week- it was a deep one!

Discussion Question:

  • When you think about your health (and your family’s health), what role do you think genes play? What role do habits play? Can you think of any other challenges you’re up against?

Happy, Healthy Living

Dr. Wuse